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Newsletter for the 7th Sunday of Easter

12 May 2024

Click here for Today's Mass Readings

Jesus' Farewell Discourse

Duccio di Buoninsegna

Detail from The Maestà, Sienna Cathedral

Click to View The Front Panel of the Maestà

Click to View The Rear Panel of the Maestà

Today is Communications Sunday

Pope Francis has chosen the theme of Artificial Intelligence for his annual message to mark World Communications Day. 

Recognising value in AI, he nonetheless reminds us that AI can never replace wisdom of human heart.

A second collection will be taken art all masses this weekend to support the communications work of the Bishops' Conference of Scotland.

Click the image above for more resources from the Vatican, and click the button below to read Pope Francis' message for World Communications Day.

Celebrating Laudato Si' Week

Saturday 18 May

12.15 Laudato Si Mass

1 p.m. lunch in the Ogilvie Centre

1.45 p.m. – 4 p.m. Celebrating Laudato Si Week and the Month of Mary

Prayer and Reflection together as we honour the Blessed Virgin Mary and Care for our beautiful planet.

We shall consider practically with the poetry of the Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins how we as a parish community may show greater respect for our environment and how we might allow ourselves to change our ways and become a responsible and eco-friendly parish.

All are welcome. Please do join us

Learn more about Duccio's Maestà

Our art for this week's Newsletter is a panel depicting Jesus's Farewell Discourse with his disciples, part of which forms our Gospel for this Sunday. Many scenes from the life of Christ are found at the rear of the Maestà, in Sienna Cathedral, while the front of the altar piece tells the life of Mary.

Click the video below to learn more about this remarkable work of medieval art (10 minutes).

Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit

The Pentecost Novena began on Friday and is a period of prayer and scripture reflection, asking for the Spirit to be given at Pentecost.

Details of the Novena prayers and scripture passages can be found here

Christian Life Community for Young Adults Information evening

Wednesday 22 May at 7 p.m. in the Ogilvie Centre, 25 Rose Street

We are planning to set up a new Christian Life Community for Young Adults in St Aloysius’. Vasco Zeferina of the Young Adults group and Father Gerard Mitchell, SJ, invite you to an information evening about CLC on Wednesday 22 May , given by Fr David Stewart SJ of the Edinburgh Jesuit Community.

Christian Life Communities (CLC) exist in large numbers throughout the world. Begun 400 years ago by the Jesuits, CLC members commit to daily personal prayer, the regular meeting of a CLC group, occasional involvement in regional and national CLC meetings, and an annual retreat (in daily life or at a retreat house). CLC groups are local and small (typically six to eight people) and meet monthly to reflect on Scripture and the following of Christ in everyday life.

For further information and to contact Vasco Zeferina please email on or phone the parish office 332 3039.

Pray FOR the Pope!

Reported in 'Crux', the online Catholic newspaper:

"Almost anyone who’s ever met Pope Francis in person has heard some version of his standard laugh line. It generally goes like this: When the visitor assures the pope that he or she is praying for him, the pontiff, with a twinkle in his eye, will ask a simple question.
Pro, o contra?

That is, are you praying for me or against me? It’s a jocular way of acknowledging that Francis understands he tends to be a lightning rod, stirring both passion and outrage."
Pope Francis had more to say on this last week, going 'off script' to recall a meeting with someone attending an audience....

Click here to read the article in Crux

Open House Conference 2024

Scotland’s Synodal Journey - A conversation about becoming a synodal church. 

This will take place in Eyre Hall, Glasgow Archdiocesan Offices, 196 Clyde St, Glasgow G1 4JY on 

Saturday 8 June 2024, 10am – 4.30pm 

Doors open and registration from 9.30am. The conference will mark the launch of a theology forum which aims to bring together Catholics in Scotland who have postgraduate theology degrees, and those with an interest in theology, in service of the Church and is being organised by Open House, a Scottish Catholic journal of comment, opinion and reflection. Click here to learn more.

Fr General - Revitalising the Jesuit Evangelising Charism in Europe

Recently Fr General, meeting with the Provincials of Europe, challenged the Jesuits in Europe to revitalise the evangelising charism of the Society in Europe. 

Click here to read more 

Financial Summary Report 2023 / 2024

In the Newsletter this week we have published the Parish income and expenditure summary for the year to 31st March, 2024. It does not include the items collected for other causes, such as SCIAF, which will be shown next week. 

In the summary we can see that the income for this period was £175,266.34 and expenditure was £212,290.29.

The excess of expenditure is partly due to the cost of the redecoration and lighting.

We are extremely grateful to our regular and one-off donors, and ask for your continued generosity to allow St Aloysius to continue its mission and ministry to the people of the parish, the city and the wider world.

Donations can be made by card using the machines found in the Church, or online here

Please remember that Gift Aid adds 25% to your donation at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK tax payer please consider adding Gift Aid to your donation.

Praying with the Gospel

Click the image above to open a meditation from Sacred Space for the Gospel of this Sunday, that can be prayed at your own pace.

Reflecting on the Sunday Readings

For a longer reflection on the readings click here for the St Beuno's Outreach Team website

May Edition of Flourish

The latest edition of the Archdiocesan Newspaper is now available to read online. Click the image above.

Young Adult Group

The YOUNG ADULT GROUP meet every Sunday evening.

Location - Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Scott Street

Programme - 7.00pm onwards: light supper, then talk and discussion, option of attending the Mass at 9.00pm. All young adults most welcome to each or any of these meetings!


We have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday afternoon / evening following the 12.00 pm Mass until just before the 9.00 pm Mass. This is an ideal time to come and pray in silence.

Useful Links

Pray As You Go

ISC Glasgow

Thinking Faith

St Aloysius' Church

25 Rose Street,
G3 6RE

0141 332 3039

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